My name is Julianne, but I prefer Julie.

 I’m a product designer who splits her time between Los Angeles and Joshua Tree. I’ve been designing experiences, both physical and digital, for the past 8 years, specializing in small businesses and multi-sided marketplaces.

joshua tree

I’m a Product Designer interested in big-picture problem solving and delightful design. ​

I typically follow the Double Diamond Design Thinking process, but tailor my toolkit to the unique needs of each project. Collaboration and shared documentation are the pillars of my success.

How I got here

I found my way into UX after studying the intersection between art, science and technology, which led me to working in the contemporary art world for several years. 

I wore lots of creative hats for small businesses as a ceramicist, registrar, exhibition designer, curator, project manager, graphic designer, art handler, marketing assistant – until I discovered that most of these roles all had one thing in common: User Experience. 

I returned to school for some formal training, and now I spend my days seeking out problems, trying to solve them with creative digital solutions.”

What my colleagues say

In my free time

Outside of work, I’m usually trying to expand my design skills by reading up on UX Planet or watching Youtube tutorials about the newest Figma plugins.

I’m also designing and renovating a house in Joshua Tree to become an AirBnB. You can also find me at the dog park or taking a spin class in my living room.